Friday, December 11, 2009

Two 8 month olds

Carolyn needed to clean up her house so I told her to bring Sophia over to play with Olivia so she could clean in peace. It was not bad at all but I got to see what it would be like to have 8 month old twins. Sophia has a very mellow personality. I had only seen her upset once or twice before and that was because she was hungry and tired. But this was Sophia when she realized her mommy was gone...
Of course Olivia thought it was hilarious...
And this was Sophia after I told her I loved her very much and that I promised to take good care of her just like mommy...
She looked skeptical, LOL.
But she started playing again and her and Olivia had a great time.

THEN I realized it was 45 mins past Olivia's feeding time so I made her bottle, put Sophia in the exersaucer in front of the tv in my bedroom and started feeding Olivia in my bed. Sophia was happy for maybe 1 minute and then she wanted out. So I told Olivia she would have to feed herself for just a sec while I picked up Sophia. I propped her with pillows and propped the bottle up with more pillows and figured it would only stay that way for a few seconds which was all I needed to pick up Sophia. Well, Olivia didn't move a muscle and that bottle stayed in the same place until she was finished so I sat in the bed with Sophia and played while Olivia watched Charlie Brown and fed herself, LOL.

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny that the bottle stayed in the whole time!
