Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bows and Faces

When Olivia was a little baby she always wore headband bows and they worked really well for us because she never pulled on them. She eventually got to the age where she would pull them down though which is when I switched to the one pony tail on the top of her head. I could clip a bow over that pony tail but no matter how sneaky I was she would always know it was there and pull it out. That has not changed. Her 2 pig tails are so cute and don't really need bows but every once in a while I'll try to sneak some in but she is too smart for that. Her bangs are so long and hang in her face when she doesn't have pig tails in so I've really been trying to get her to let me pull her bangs back with a bow for a quick fix. It is rare that she'll leave it in but one day she did for a little while and I got some cute pics of her and her silly faces.

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