Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Morning!

Christmas morning was so much fun this year! Randy stayed the night with us on Christmas Eve and my parents stayed the night with my Grandmother so they were just right around the corner. They came over before Olivia got up and then we went in and got her and told her that Santa Claus had come and left her some presents. She was so excited!

Santa brought her a tent so she wanted MiMi and Poppy to get in it with her. She also loved her maracas!

Once she saw her new crayons and coloring books she didn't want to see anything else! We took a break so I could get breakfast ready and she could color with MiMi and Grandmother.

Olivia blends in with all the gifts LOL

she set up all her new "friends" like an audience to watch her color

Poppy got her the movie "Oliver and Company" because he remembered me and Zach liked it and Olivia loves it! We watch it almost every day while we play in the playroom.

Johnnie and I got her a guitar and she also plays it every day

She wanted MiMi to play her guitar

She was great at helping everyone open their gifts

Then had to play us a song on her guitar

back to helping open presents

then she wanted Poppy to play her a tune

she loved her doctor kit

and all her Disney characters

and her daddy's new work shoes

and the Christmas tree! She did this several times over the past couple of months while the tree was up. She would try to hug it and say "I LOVE IT!" And sometimes she would laugh and say "It poked me!"

My parents got her this drum set and it is probably her favorite Christmas present. She plays it every day and is really good at it. So funny! I've got a video of it so I'll see if I can figure out how to get it on here.

Grandmother got her a tricycle but we haven't had a chance to get outside when the weather has been decent to show her how to ride it.

My parents also got her this awesome kitchen and she has been boiling and baking and stirring up a storm - so much fun! I just realized I have another memory card somewhere with more Christmas pictures because we did Christmas with Johnnie's family the weekend before. I'll have to find that and see what else is on there.

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