Thursday, June 30, 2011

hula girl

My parents went to Hawaii in February and brought back all sorts of fun Hawaiian treasures for Olivia. Including a grass skirt and coconut top. I think they got back mid-February and it was the end of March before Olivia finally agreed to let me put this on her. So cute! I knew she would probably only wear it for a minute or two so I told Johnnie to be ready with the camera.
She shook her hips a little and did the hula for us

and even smiled for a second, but...

just as I figured, she tried ripping it off after less than a minute

she's pissed off at me for telling her to leave it on so she's running to Johnnie to see if he'll take it off of her. I got what I wanted though - a few cute pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting for these pictures since I found out she had a hula outfit. So cute! Too bad no video... she can really shake it. :)
