Monday, October 19, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I know letting your baby sleep in your bed is a bad habit to start but Olivia looks too cute sleeping in our big ol bed! Since she started sitting up we lowered her crib mattress down and since then its been pretty tough to get her to take naps in her crib. She's either napped on me, on a pallet in the living room floor, or in our bed. Its the only way I can get her to take a decent nap! She has slept good in her crib at night as long as she is already asleep when I put her in there. I've always been able to just lay her down when she's tired but still awake and she would put herself to sleep but these days its been a little tougher. I'm hoping by the end of the month she'll be used to the difference in her cage, I mean crib, and things will get back to normal. Here are some pics of her sleepin in our bed.

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