Monday, September 13, 2010


Olivia wants to be in a gang. A gang of turkeys that is. I went ahead and googled "what to call a group of turkeys" because I didn't want to use the wrong term. The correct term for a group of turkeys is either a rafter or a gang. Being the hoodrat that I am, I prefer gang. My parents have a gang of turkeys that live on their street. They used to just stay down at the end of the street, probably because it is a dead end and there is no traffic down there. But over the past couple of months they have made their way up to my parents house and they really like it there. The past few times we have gone out there the turkeys have been walking around in the front yard and Olivia gets so excited when she sees them.

Like a true gangster, she thinks she is going to creep up on them. She is telling us SHHHHH as if we are the ones that are going to scare them away.

Then she decides she's just going to run right toward the middle of them. Because she is a fearless gangster.

This is on a different day and she is yelling to them "TURKEYS! COME HERE!"

Then she bent down and put her hands on her knees and called them.

The turkeys have been pretty cool to have around just because they are not something you see often. The past couple of weeks they have become more and more comfortable and my parents will look up to find them peering in the windows at them. And they walk right up onto the back porch while Mox is laying there. He is such a sweet and tolerant dog to let them hang out in his space. King, on the other hand, hasn't been out to Ma and Pa's house in a while because I'm afraid he will get curious and run toward them, they'll run from him, he'll chase them, and then who knows what will happen. I don't want to find out so he just has to stay at home.

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