Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I have to give a shout out to my Kitty. Sometimes pronounced Kit-tee and also known as Titty. Nathan once told me before he could pronounce the ''k" sound that my titty bit him so ever since then it has been her other name. By the way, it was just a little love nibble that she gave him. Anyway, Johnnie and I have never really been too fond of cats but we both love all animals so when random cats would show up at our house we, I mean, I would sometimes feed them. I've been known to give them tuna and milk and pet them a little but never really wanted a cat of my own. I think there were probably 2 or 3 cats that have stopped by our house in the 6 years we've lived here. But they always seem to eat and run and they have never stayed around. Except Kitty. Last year at the beginning of October she showed up and she was little and cute and super friendly. Johnnie and I decided we would not feed her because we didn't want her sticking around. But she stayed on our back porch for 3 full days. We couldn't figure out what or if she was eating because she never left our deck. So Johnnie caved and gave her some turkey. Then some water. Then some milk. Then she was eating as much of our lunch meat as Johnnie was so I bought a bag of cat food. So we were feeding her on a regular basis. Then it started getting cold and we couldn't let her in for fear that King would eat her and that she might potty in our house. So we bought her a little cat cave looking thing that sits out on the back porch. She would sleep in there at night and we would go out and pet her every once in a while. These are our first pics of her.
she's curled up asleep on the rug
asleep on the swing
walking on top of our shed
perched on top of shed
petting my Kitty

I always wished that Kitty and King could be friends but I was scared he would eat her. She had no fear of him though. We would let him out on his leash and he would try to chase her and she would just sit there. We would let him get all the way up to her and she never moved. I figured she could sense that he was just curious and not going to eat her but I was still a little worried. We worked a lot on their relationship and went through a lot of dog treats but this was the end result.

Once it was safe for Kitty to be around King we started letting her in the house for 30 mins at a time. We were still worried about her going potty in the house. But she would never. She is an outside cat, she likes being outside and going to the bathroom outside. She doesn't really like litter boxes. But we decided if she was going to stick around she needed to be fixed. So a few days before Christmas last year we had her fixed and got her shots. Then she started staying in the house for longer periods of time and I eventually got her a litter box for cold nights. She didn't like going in it but I forced her a few times. I wondered how she would be around Olivia but she has been really sweet to her and she even lays there and lets Olivia pet her, I mean bang on her. She also LOVES all of Olivia's things. I think they share most everything...

the bumbo

the activity mat

the carrier
the swing
I know those pictures look totally staged (especially the ones in the bumbo with the cowboy hat) but I swear I did not put her in any of those places. I found her in all those things and decided I should start taking pics when she took over every baby item we owned. the bumbo pic happened after I had been to J & Lindsey's house in Lubbock and had unloaded my car. It was convenient to just stick the hat on the bumbo and I brought it in and set it on the table that way. Kitty obviously thought it was placed there for her to sleep in.
I was worried about Kitty with the Christmas tree because Carolyn has two kitties and had told me last year that they couldn't put up a tree because their cats would destroy it. Kitty didn't come inside the house last year when we had the tree up so this year was going to be our first experience with her and the tree. We got the tree up and decorated and let her in and she went over and layed down on the tree skirt.

We actually have a special spot for her behind the tree where there are no gifts and she goes back there and takes naps on the tree skirt. She seemed to like all things Christmas...

she is asleep in the box the tree came in
hanging out in the garland before I put it on the mantle

We love our Kitty and are glad she is part of our family. Who would have thought I would ever blog about a cat :)

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