Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I hate that I only make time to update my blog once a month - I need to work on that. We had a lot of fun in July and made history - on July 8th at approximately 12:30pm Olivia stood up and WALKED. I couldn't believe it - she did it as if she had been doing it all along. Meredith and I joked that she was probably a closet walker - she would do it when no one was looking and then drop down to her knees and crawl when someone would look, LOL. It was a day I will never forget - I got all excited and teary and called Johnnie (who also got teary), then my mom (who didn't answer), then my dad (who also got teary), then my mom called back and Johnnie's mom called b/c he had called her before I got a chance! My dad had to stop by on his way home from work to see it with his own eyes and I sent Johnnie a video on my phone so he didn't have to wait until he got home from work. So she didn't walk until she was almost 16 months old but she walks and RUNS now so its all good.

We had a great time at the lakehouse on 4th of July weekend. It was just me, Johnnie, Olivia, Kylie, Buster & Linda. It was a rainy weekend which made for cooler weather which was better than hundred degree weather! It stopped raining just in time for an awesome air show over the lake. I wasn't sure how Olivia would react to the planes buzzing the lake so low while we were in the boat or if she would like the fireworks but she LOVED both. She calls fireworks "boom booms" LOL. King is terrified of fireworks so it was a long weekend for him :( Unfortunately I only took a couple of pics during that weekend.
Olivia hanging out in the house
I got my camera out to take a pic of Olivia at the pool and my lens immediately fogged up from the humidity - YUCK

Johnnie took these picture of some deer right on the other side of our backyard fence

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