Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pics from March

These are some of my favorite pictures from March. Olivia is the first grandchild for my parents but she is the fifth for Johnnie's parents. She is, however, their first granddaughter. Johnnie's sister, Gina, has 2 boys and his brother, Jason, also has 2 boys. This is Olivia with all of the boys - Curtis, Nathan, Casey and Preston

sleeping with daddy, wrapped in her blanket from Meredith

sleeping in her crib, wrapped in her blanket from Amber

A lady I worked with, Brenda Hamm, made this blanket just for Olivia and out of all of the blankets we were given, this was Johnnie's favorite to swaddle her in during those first few weeks. He said it was the perfect size and thickness. Thanks Brenda!

hanging with King


  1. Olivia has grown since I saw her! I love looking at pictures of her, she is soooo sweet!
