Monday, February 15, 2010

Lucky the Baby Squirrel

So I'm on the phone with Lindsey yesterday morning and looked out the back door to see Kitty pummeling what looks like a tiny pink fetus. And its kind of barely moving. So I scream and cuss and Kitty and I'm freaking out trying to figure out what it is that she is torturing. She picks it up in her mouth and tries to run away with it but I grabbed her tail and she put it down. So I grab her up by her collar and throw her inside and I go inside with her to stare at the tiny creature and try to figure out what it is. It is moving its teeny little arm like its waving at me. So sad! Its so new that its eyes hadn't even opened yet, thank god, so at least it couldn't SEE the vicious cat with the sharp fangs and claws. So I concluded that it had to be a newborn squirrel. I quickly googled baby squirrel and "baby squirrel care" popped up. I clicked on it and it said it was most important to keep it warm. And it was laying out on my freezing cold concrete porch. I put a towel in the dryer to warm it up and when it was warm I put my hands in some ziplock baggies and picked it up and put it in the towel. It also said to fill up a water bottle with hot water and wrap the bottle in a towel and place that by the cold baby squirrel. So I did that too. It had some links to some wildlife rescue people but I couldn't get them to work so I called our vet and they gave me a number that I called and got a recording to leave a message unless its about a sick or injured animal and then to call this other number. So I call the other number and also get a recording to leave a message. I left messages on both and got a call back pretty quickly from a lady in Arlington that wasn't home but gave me a number to another lady who is some squirrel expert who is also in Arlington. So I call her and she wants me to bring her the squirrel. I told her I couldn't right then b/c of my sleeping baby and that I was afraid the little squirrel wasn't going to make it much longer. So she said she would come get it. When I initially picked it up it had stopped moving and so I thought it might be gone already but then after it had been in the towel for a couple of minutes I could see that it would move a little bit when I would crinkle the towel around it. The lady finally got here and put it in this little pouch thing and then inside a little plastic cage and took it home. She said it needed antibiotics immediately since it had been in contact with a cat but that she had seen much worse and that more than likely it would be fine. I told her to call it Lucky. Wow, what a morning. Thank goodness all that happened right after I had put Olivia down for her nap so she wasn't involved. Here are a couple of pics of little Lucky. I put the phone in the second pic to show how tiny Lucky is.

1 comment:

  1. There are no words to describe what I heard as you found Lucky. Thank you for your compassion.
