Olivia, King and I packed up and moved home after spending all of June in Alvarado with my parents and Lindsay. We still go out there and hang out on Tuesdays and Thursdays and everyone enjoys that. My parents also went to Colorado for a week in July and that was a nice getaway for them. And we got a new family member in July. I may just have to introduce him later. He deserves his own post :)
Just sittin on the couch looking cute. Lindsay got her this super cute onesie and my cousin Shannon got her the zebra socks and they look so cute together.

Just sittin on the couch looking cute. Lindsay got her this super cute onesie and my cousin Shannon got her the zebra socks and they look so cute together.

My dad put Olivia down in the recliner in his shop while he was out there working and she watched him as he walked back in forth in front of her. She decided it was a good place for a nap. Mox is so sweet. He doesn't act very interested in Olivia but if we set her down anywhere outside he acts like he has to protect her and he lays by her until we pick her up.

Johnnie originally said he would never "wear" the baby. He said he would rather just carry her. But it didn't take long for him to realize that having two hands is NICE.

Ah, solid foods. I couldn't wait until Olivia turned 4 mos so I could start giving her something besides that dang bottle. But after feeding her baby food for a couple of days I decided it was more trouble that it was worth. Especially since her pediatrician had said it wasn't really for nutrition at her age. It was just to teach her how to eat. Well, my child learned how to eat fairly quickly but just didn't eat that much so we would sometimes go a few days without any baby food in the beginning. But now she is much more interested in it so she usually eats about 2 jars per day. So far sweet potatoes have been her fave. But she eats pretty much anything we give her. Here are some pics of her eating and sitting in her highchair. She looks so tiny in that big ol chair. Thanks to Dave & Bridget for the highchair!

Carolyn and I don't get together often enough but hopefully we will start getting together more so the girls can play. I went to her house one day and Sophia and Olivia were so cute together!

Johnnie told me to have myself and Olivia ready to go when he got home from work so we could go eat. He is usually not one to want to take pictures but when he saw how cute his baby girl looked when he got home he wanted me to take some pics of him with her.

That cross onesie is my fave!