Monday, October 19, 2009

Sitting Up

Olivia and I both LOVE that she can sit up now! She doesn't really mind being anywhere as long as she's sitting up. She likes sitting in the living room surrounded by her toys where she can see the tv. We do that several times a day and she will sit and entertain herself which is so nice for us both. We had a couple of rough days last week. Monday and Tuesday she was not her happy self. She whined and cried most of the day and night. I could not get out of her sight without a huge screaming fit. I could not set her down anywhere without a huge screaming fit. She wouldn't nap, whined and slapped the tray while I fed her baby food, cried and bucked when I changed her diaper, etc. It was a challenging couple of days for me so I was so ready for some help when Johnnie got home but that was wishful thinking. She wanted nothing to do with him. She acted excited to see him but when he took her from me she cried and reached back for me. I was so glad on Wednesday when she woke up happy and smiling and she's been back to her old self since then. Don't get me wrong, she still cries for me a lot but most babies do that at this age so we'll work through that. She has even said mama but only when she's really upset and crying and it sounds like UUUUHHHMMMMAAA. Not near as nice as how she so sweetly says dada but whatever.

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