Sunday, November 1, 2009


Lindsey and I pulled off the surprise of the year when we surprised our honeys for their 30th birthday! We couldn't have done it without the help of our wonderful in-laws, Buster and Linda - Thank y'all sooooooo much!!! And also thanks to my parents and Lindsey's parents and all of our friends and siblings who helped out. The boys actual birthday is October 30th but we had the party on Oct 17th in hopes that they wouldn't suspect anything. Lindsey and I have been talking about this party for a year but we really started planning back in February b/c we knew with me having a new baby in March the planning would probably be hard. The invites were either by word of mouth or evite from Lindsey's "secret" email address, LOL! And I don't know how, but no one ever even slipped and said anything about it in front of the boys. Jason thought he and Lindsey were coming down for a surprise bday party for Lindsey's dad so he didn't question it. And Johnnie thought we were going out for our family dinner for our Lindsay's 25th birthday. So we had to take Olivia with us so he wouldn't think anything else was going on. My cousin Shannon came and picked up Olivia after we got there. Thanks again Shannon! So my family arrived first and Johnnie was SOOOO surprised, YAY! He didn't even realize it was his surprise party at first because the first person he saw was Lindsey's dad and that confused him. He knew Jason & Lindsey were going to her dad's surprise party so when we walked in and he saw her dad, it didn't even register that people were all looking at him and yelling SURPRISE to him. He was thinking, Why are we at Lindsey's dad's surprise party? Then he saw his parents and all of HIS friends and realized what was going on. Then 15 mins later Jason arrived with Lindsey, Ken and Cari and was also very surprised so it was a total success! El Gabacho's catered a fajita buffet which was WONDERFUL. Then my awesome sis, THE Lindsay Moore, aka LMo (Johnnie's nickname for her) sang for us and then the Matt Kimbrow Band played and everyone had a great time.

John's arrival

J's arrival


The Fab Four

Dave, Bridget, Allison, Lance and Courtney

Meredith, Krystelle, Rachel, Tara and Brenda

me and my punkin

Christy and Ashley

Aaron and Tara

Cari and Ken

Haley and Zack

Lara and I

Brenda and Krystelle

me and my sistas

the boys with Brady, LOL!

Rachel and Ryan

The lucky boys who snagged the Burgett girls

Clay, Johnnie and my parents

Lindsay, me and Brenda

Scott and Meredith

Angie hearts Brenda

Matt and Lindsay


Matt Kimbrow Band

Yeah that was whiskey that he just turned up. What I don't have a picture of is Johnnie guzzling it. He was never the same after that point.
He was in rare form for the rest of the night.


  1. LMAO! We picked almost all the same pictures!

  2. Love it. Wish we could have been there. Happy Birthday Johnnie and Jason!
