Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We have been busy the past couple of months so I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. This blog is the only "baby book" I have so I really would like to keep up with it more but its hard to make time for it and everything else thats going on. I really do have a baby book for Olivia, I just haven't done much with it but I'm hoping one day to use this blog to help me fill in the blanks of the baby book. Olivia is still fun as ever. She will be 20 months on Nov 12! She uses more words every day and continues to amaze us with her vocabulary. She has now picked up on what we call each other so if we don't answer to mama or daddy right away she will see if Ang or Johnnie or Babe will get our attention. LOL. She asked me this morning when I was getting her out of her crib, "Where'd Johnnie go?" Olivia and Johnnie have a nightly ritual these days that Olivia calls "watch Goofy." Johnnie found some really old school Mickey Mouse clips online and Olivia LOVES them, especially the ones with Goofy. So every night after bath they "watch Goofy." We are still involved in our playgroup but haven't participated in many activities with them in the past couple months. We are still going to swimming lessons every week which I'm getting tired of since the weather has gotten cooler. It is an indoor pool, of course, but it is no fun coming in out of the cold and stripping down to your swimsuit and then once its over getting out of the pool soaking wet with a one year old having to dry her, dry myself and get us both dressed while we are freezing. This session of swimming goes thru mid January. I hate to not sign her up again in spring because that is when she turns 2 and will move up a level so we'll probably stay in thru spring and then take the summer off and just practice all summer in the pool so she doesn't forget anything. We've also been going to watch Kylie play volleyball on Wednesday evenings and catching some of her softball games on the weekends. Curtis and Casey started playing flag football this year so we've enjoyed going to watch them play on Monday evenings and then going to dinner with the family. Volleyball and football are over now but basketball should start soon. I know Kylie will play and I think Curtis will also play so that will be fun to watch. Olivia LOVES her cousins! When we were leaving after dinner last night Olivia was yelling to Casey from the car, "Bye Casey! I love you Casey! I go with you Casey!" So sweet. We have also gone on a couple of weekend camping trips with my parents which was really fun since Olivia had never been camping before. She knows all about it now and can't wait to do it again.

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